Finding Better Signs For Your Business

Tips For Designing And Installing Custom ADA Signage

by آوینا کامروا

Custom ADA signage solutions are an excellent way for organizations to serve employees and members of the public. If you're planning to design and install custom ADA signage, though, you'll want to be sure you maximize their value for everybody. These four tips will help you get the most from ADA-compliant signs.

Size and High Contrast

Visible elements of all of your signs should be sizeable and have a high contrast. This will allow anyone with vision issues to have an easier time picking up what's on the sign, such as symbols or text. A sign should also contrast starkly against the surrounding scenery. If you're installing custom ADA signage on a white wall, for example, make sure the sign is black or very dark. People who are legally blind but can still pick up high contrasts will use this to identify the location of the sign. They can then touch it to pick up Braille markings.

Lighting matters, too. If a sign is placed in a dark area, it can undermine the high-contrast design. Make sure all of your custom ADA signage solutions are well lit.


Try to place signs as close to whatever allows a person to interact with the environment. If you have a sign next to a bathroom door, for example, place the sign along the wall near the doorknob or handle. This will make it easier for users to locate the signs and follow them.

Also, attempt to keep signs between four and five feet above the floor. If someone is in a wheelchair, for example, placing signs at this height will ensure the sign is roughly in their line of sight. Likewise, it won't be so low that it prevents others from spotting the sign and using it.

Keep the Symbols and Fonts Simple

This is good advice for all signage, but it's even more important when it comes to ADA compliance. Don't use ornate forms or unusual fonts, especially for signs that serve common functions. An exit sign, for example, should feature a very simple arrow pointing in the appropriate direction.

Provide Signage in Inaccessible Areas

If a section of a building is not accessible, you need to direct people to places that are accessible. This means providing signage that explains that something like an elevator or a door isn't accessible. It also needs to direct the person to a location where they will be able to gain access.

For more information, contact a company that provides custom ADA signage.
