Finding Better Signs For Your Business

Want To Use Custom Signs For Your Business? 2 Different Types To Choose From

by آوینا کامروا

Using custom signs for your business is a great way to advertise. You can put signs inside on the wall or use signs outside to convey a message or place your advertisement. Having the signs custom-made is beneficial since you can choose the colors, images, font, and more that you want to use. Keep reading for information on two different types of custom signs you can choose from. 

Wood Custom Signs

If your business is rustic or has the natural look, you should consider using wood custom signs. You can choose wood signs that use durable wood slabs, glued panel boards, or—if you are on a budget—you can choose plywood. What you choose will depend on how you plan to use the signs. Plywood will deteriorate over time if not properly hung. Glued panel boards are best used if you want a wood hanging sign, and wood slabs are used if you're using the sign outside, such as storefront. Wood can be stained, or it can be painted. 

Wood can be laser etched or laser engraved with direct printed graphics. In most cases, a sealant is placed over the sign after it is made to keep it in good condition, especially if being used outside. 

PVC Custom Signs

Another type of custom sign you can choose is a PVC sign. PVC is available in different thicknesses depending on where you are putting the signs. For interior placement, you do not have to worry about how thick the PVC is—but you should make sure it is thick if putting the sign outside. PVC is available in a wide range of colors. You can choose white to save money and then have the image, text, etc. painted on or printed on the sign. If you choose color vinyl, choose a color that goes well with your images or matches the color you use for your brand. PVC should only be used indoors or for a limited time outside. The sun will warp the PVC custom signs if the temperatures get extremely hot. 

PVC custom signs can be direct printed, or an adhesive vinyl can be applied to the sign. The signs can also be painted, and CNC routing can be used for custom shapes and for lettering. 

Contact a company that provides custom signs, and they can give you much more information on wood and PVC signs. They can also tell you about other types they have available, such as LED signs, metal signs, and banners.
